
Creating high-quality architecture is a complex and difficult challenge. The team at Autor has spent years developing a systematic approach to deal with the multitude of constraints and opportunities that are all part of the built environment.

Everything we do is based on a detailed analysis of the site and its surrounding context. We explore the urban condition at both a micro and macro scale, looking for clues and precedents from the built topography. This is then put to the test with a series of design resolutions and the resulting architectural response creates a dialogue between research and concept. We have found that this approach helps to clearly communicate the process to clients, planners and the local community, which is part of the reason that we have enjoyed such success with project permissions.

Our methods align with the well-established PESTLE analysis tool. It seems clear to us that architecture is simultaneously Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental. We have used the definitions to explain our processes but it is not a sequential method, we are often grappling with all of these elements at once.

“Over the past 10 years 38 of our 40 projects succeed with one or more floors (+£38m in GDV) above pre-application or planning advice.”

Through our Ghana Foundation, we promote sustainability by helping to design resilient communities that enable positive futures. We put this philosophy into practice by identifying and fostering local skills into sustainable local initiatives. Connecting local potentials, we consistently work to maximise economic, environmental, and cultural values to support the well-being of people, local commerce, and the community at large.

Our 4 Step Approach


RIBA 1: Analysis

We find extra value by making design briefs geometrically visible, providing clients with an objective design and parameter driven process.


RIBA 2: Purpose

Every project is a new chapter in a site’s story. We turn these stories into futures, creating architecture that is in-tune with its place & community.


RIBA 3-4: Design

As a sculptural expression of their context, our buildings provide outstanding levels of urban design integration and architectural efficiency.


RIBA 5-8: Construction

The geometric nature of our approach allows easy optimisation to Modern Methods of Construction and prefabrication.