Frederic Paulus Akuffo
Managing Director
Frederic specialises in residential architecture since 2000, working for industry-leading practices such as RPA and HTA, where he published a research report for cost reduction in housing for the Peabody Housing Trust in 2004.
Working at management level for AJ100 top UK firm WestonWilliamson he helped to grow the housing department from 5 to 22 people and designing a Housing Design Award before setting up Autor ltd in 2008.
Frederic studied architecture at the University of Technology Darmstadt / Frankfurt in 1999, specialising in prefabrication and passive house technology and attaining additional bachelor’s degrees in engineering and urban design.
With two scholarship awards and workshops in LA and Tokyo he attained a Masters in Architectural Design at the UCL – Bartlett School of Architecture London, under the lead of Sir Peter Cook of the 1960s’ architectural avant-garde group ‘Archigram’.
With over two dozen awards and publications in the field of housing design, cost reduction in housing, passive house design and a patent in prefabrication as well as music production for Sony and DeBeers, his career reflects his ability for exploring the rational and poetic dimensions of architecture, which ultimately inform Autors design philosophy.